Coverage For Items That Are Stored in Areas with High Visibility

Large investments stored in areas with high visibility are prone to theft, vandalism, and basic damage. Use the following pointers to guide you in acquiring the insurance coverage needed to protect commercial equipment and furnishings.

Business Essentials

The equipment and furnishings that you decide to insure should be essential to operating your business. A thorough review of how you perform day-to-day business operations will help you select the items you will add to your commercial insurance policy.

If you own a large business, prepare a schedule to inspect each work area separately. Record information about the machinery, vehicles, furniture, and other items necessary to conduct business.

Risk Factors

Consider the risk factors associated with high visibility. For instance, electronic equipment stored in a common area may be more prone to theft than items stored behind closed doors.

The risk factors you uncover may convince you to purchase enhanced insurance coverage for some of your business equipment.

Detailed List

Furnish an insurance agent with a detailed list of items you want to add to your commercial insurance policy. Your list should include the model number of each item. 

It should also include a description of how the item is used within your place of business. It may also be necessary to provide a monetary value for your business equipment.

Contact Choice 1 Insurance Agency

Choice 1 Insurance Agency offers many commercial insurance products. Consult with one of our agents who serves New Richmond, WI. They will advise you on insurance coverage that will protect business essentials stored in high-visibility areas.